1. 大阪大学教員もしくは特別に許可された教員
2. 教育の国際化に対応し、教育方法の改善、及びより良い教育の提供に感心を持つ教員
1. Osaka University faculty members or those who were specifically permitted
2. Participants willing to take part in globalization of education and FD.
※Both of ①② or those who fall under any
HALC 2, 全学教育推進機構 A棟3階/3F, Bldg.,A, CELAS, 豊中キャンパス/Toyonaka Campus
教育能力開発プログラム/Education capacity development program
約15名/Approx. 15 people
※If the number of applicants exceeds the capacity, we will close the application.
Sponsored by: Center for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences, Department of Teaching and Learning Support (CELAS)
In cooperation with: Center for International Education and Exchange(CIEE), Center for Student Success Research and Practice (SLiCS) and Center for the Advacement of Research and Education Exchange Networks (CAREN)
午前/Morning Session (3 days)
午後/Afternoon Session
Ⅰ. コースデザイン-Course Design- 9月19日 (Tue) Course Content 9月21日 (Thu) Assessment Methods & |
Ⅱ. マイクロティーチング-Microteaching- 9月19日 (Tue) The 1st Microteaching
※The participants are expected to attend all programs.
The participants who have participated fully in all the programs of workshop would receive "Certificate of Completion".
* Preparation for Microteaching
5-minute-long content in English from your course.
Any part is fine, but the overview might be easy for audience to understand.
*If necessary, you can use Power Point data, handouts, circulated materials in English, etc. and other English materials used in your course.
※ If you are not currently teaching a class, please prepare the content for the course you will be teaching in the future.
17:00, Thu, August 31, 2023
※When the number of applications exceeds the capacity, we will close the application.
E-mail: tlsc<AT>office.osaka-u.ac.jp
Dept. of Teaching and Learning Support, Center for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences (CELAS)
Kawaguchi(Ext. 5606), Kim(Ext. 5617)
E-mail: tlsc<AT>office.osaka-u.ac.jp
*Please change <AT> to @
下記のボタンから申し込みください/Please click the button below to apply.