edX講座 Introduction to Computational Materials Designの再配信を開始します | 大阪大学MOOCプロジェクト



edX講座 Introduction to Computational Materials Designの再配信を開始します

大阪大学がedXより提供しているグローバルMOOC(OsakaUx)では2022年12月23日よりIntroduction to Computational Materials Designコースの再配信を開始します。本講座の提供は2020年より開始され、今回が3回目の配信となります。

Introduction to Computational Materials Design

The purpose of this course is to analyze the present status and possibilities of computational materials design and to implement a new paradigm of material science by learning basic cutting-edge computational methods and designing materials using quantum simulation program codes.

Session 1. Yoshitada Morikawa: Introduction
Session 2. Yoshitada Morikawa: Design of Chemical Reactions at Interfaces
Session 3. Kazunori Sato: Design of Magnetic Materials for Spintronics
Session 4. Koichi Kusakabe: Carbon Functional Materials
Session 5. Wilson Agerico Dino: Surface/Interface as a Playground/Foundation
for Realizing Designer Materials & Processes
Session 6. Kazuhiko Kuroki: Strongly Correlated and Superconducting Materials
Session 7. Tamio Oguchi: Development of Materials Informatics Tools
Session 8. Masaaki Geshi: Introduction to High-Performance Computing

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